Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Flims Trailfox - and a rainy Swiss DH Cup

Sorry for the lack of updates. Race season is in full swing and it is hard to keep up with the washing between coming home Sunday evening and packing Thursday evening. I also took a much needed vacation break in the flatlands - and now I'm eager and anxcious to get back to racing.
The two races that passed in the meantime were the Flims Trailfox (a freeride rallye) and my first  race of the Swiss DH Cup in Wierihorn, Berne.
Still in good 2nd position at the start of the last race.
In the Trailfox I started strong in the first three races but dropped from the 3rd to the inglorious 5th on the last race. The big bike had been a plus on the first days - but in such a long race with lots of flat and uphill sections it was the killer!

After the Trailfox I started in Wierihorn at the Swiss Cup. Unfortunately we had a sunny Friday but downpours on Saturday night and heavy fog on Sunday forced the organizers to let the Qualification run count as final result. I am glad I had some sunny time on Saturday morning to ride but was not very happy as I had needed a lot of time to dial myself in on the course. I hope next race will be better! This weekend the Swiss Cup continues in Anzère - after the 5 weeks off I can't wait!